Another Butterfly Diary Delivery


The peonies have popped!! And oh my gosh they are beautiful. They have been ready to pop for the last week and Sod's law, this year as my garden is in full glorious bloom, no one can see it. No neighbourhood BBQs, no dinner parties spelling out in to the garden for drinks. At least I am getting great joy from it. My socially distancing girl teen has three friends in at a time to make smores  over a little fire pit whilst lounging on big garden cushions, and they pay no attention to the flowers. It may have something to do from when they were little and hurtling tennis balls, rugby balls, other children etc. in to the flower beds and all they would hear me roar was "mind the peonies".

I am not a great gardener by any means but I have become a Monty Don fan! To those who are not familiar with the name - he is the tall, gentle, gentleman presenter of Gardeners World. Together with his beautiful dogs he has been responsible for my very limited green finger knowledge.  A recent episode has seen me become a lover of Delphiniums, google it and see these beautiful flowers. Every garden should have some. I am hoping this time next year, my clarion cry will be "mind the delphiniums", given the very sweet arrival of a gift on my doorstep last Sunday of 6 delphinium plants!!! Who said Santa only delivers at Christmas.

I received another lovely delivery last week too. I had been doing a little online JUJU browsing when I saw the most delicious blush pink cashmere jumper. Well it reminded me of the peonies and I felt Mother Nature was telling me I should have it. Not sure what the autumn winter colours are yet but maybe I need to plant some shrubs in those colours